Shake Mix A for $23
Shake Mix B for $110?
Whichever answer you choose, justify your reasoning with mathematics.
To extend this conversation, it would be fun to ask the students follow-up questions:
What other information would you like to know about Shake A and/or Shake B?
How would that information influence your decision?
Links to the shake labels:
There are plenty of examples of protein shake labels on the Internet. I would be encouraged to make this a part of a lesson that analyzes nutrition labels, regardless of whether or not my students were drinking protein shakes. There is a HUGE market for them and students certainly know someone who is enamored with shakes for one reason or another.
shake mix b because it is more servings for your $. It is also more calories, protein, and grams of mix per serving.
shake mix b because it gives more calories thats why its so expensive