Would You Rather…

Watermelon (1)


Buy pre-cut watermelon (no rind) at $2.67 per pound


Buy a whole watermelon at $0.26 per pound?

Whichever answer you choose, please justify your reasoning with mathematics.

For a look at the high cost of cut fruit, go here.

Did you know there’s a watermelon promotion board? Yep!

h/t @mrvaudrey & @approx_normal for bringing this up in conversation!

4 thoughts on “Would You Rather…”

  1. Hi there! I love your posts for use in my classroom but wondered where students (& I) could find sample answers to compare with? I also wondered if the questions were in any way organize by the math required to use to solve them, ie, probability, geometry, algebra, etc. It would make the questions easier to use if I could find one that pertains to that particular topic. Thanks for all you are doing to make math more interesting and fun! Wendy Grove

    1. Wendy,

      Sample answers would be a good idea that I would need to add in as an option. Perhaps to ask teachers to add their student responses in the comments? I’m not sure how this would be the easiest to manage.

      As of right now, they are not tagged (organized) very well. I’ve just been posting the WYRs without really doing tagging. That’s my fault and I’ll need to get on that πŸ™‚

      I appreciate the feedback and kind words!

  2. Hi there! I love your posts for use in my classroom but wondered where students (& I) could find sample answers to compare with? I also wondered if the questions were in any way organize by the math required to use to solve them, ie, probability, geometry, algebra, etc. It would make the questions easier to use if I could find one that pertains to that particular topic. Thanks for all you are doing to make math more interesting and fun! Wendy Grove

    1. Wendy,

      Sample answers would be a good idea that I would need to add in as an option. Perhaps to ask teachers to add their student responses in the comments? I’m not sure how this would be the easiest to manage.

      As of right now, they are not tagged (organized) very well. I’ve just been posting the WYRs without really doing tagging. That’s my fault and I’ll need to get on that πŸ™‚

      I appreciate the feedback and kind words!

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